About  Kumo9

A Full-Service
Marketing Team

Our range of services allows you to cover all the most impactful digital solutions there are to elevate your business. Not all agencies are built to be flexible like us. When they're not, they don't commit to the long term strategies that will prepare your business to scale.

So we created an agency to be just that. Flexible to your financial needs and businesses goals, but a full-service agency that is truly ONE with your team!

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Our Mission

Make Marketing Easy.

We created this agency to make marketing easy through our simple results-driven process. So we decided to name our company Kumo9 because kumo means cloud in Japanese and we promise Cloud9 results.

After testing and implementing certain frameworks across various industries and funnels, we've unlocked a process that allows us to optimize, scale, and deliver high impact marketing solutions.

So when someone asks you... "How's your marketing?", you don't have explode due to stress and anxiety, you can tell them exactly how you feel - on Cloud9.

Agency Team - Agency X Webflow TemplateOur Team - Agency X Webflow Template

Agency vs. In-House Marketing

In our experience, we've seen so many business owners who have a great product and service but can't afford a whole marketing team to make it grow. One of the ways we make marketing easy is by giving you A FULL marketing team without the costs hiring them out individually!

Take a look below at what you get with an agency vs. hiring a fully internal marketing team:

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In-House Marketing

SEO Specialist: $3,500
SEM Specialist: $4,000
PPC Specialist: $4,800
Social Media Manager: $4,100
Graphic Designer: $4,100
Marketing Manager: $6,500
Website Developer: $6,250

Marketing Internal Team: $33,250 / mo.

Marketing Agency

Average agency fee: $1,000 - $15,000 / mo.

Cut your potential marketing costs by over half but still have the unity and cohesiveness from working with someone in-house. Our agency pricing & services are flexible based on what YOU need.


Our Team

The faces behind Kumo9

Our Values

The 9 core values that drive everything we do

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1. Results Driven

We stay focused on the end goal of what we do which is. keeping your business growing and remaining profitable.

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2. Accountability

We're right here to celebrate the good and the bad. We go at lengths to make a wrong right no matter the cost.

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3. Innovation

To make marketing easy, we stay on top of the latest marketing trends and platforms to grow your business.

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4. Transparency

This means leaving our egos at the door. This means we believe in clearly communicating progress and obstacles.

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5. Grit

Fundamental to success is the passion an endurance to stick to it. This fuels our vision and desire to elevate businesses together.

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6. Curiosity

We recognize we may not know everything, so we're committed to constantly learn and improve our craft and knowledge.

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7. Team Work

In a team we learn to rely on one another. This is built on a foundation of trust & competence. We strive to build that environment.

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8. Positivity

Things don't always go our way, but that's no reason to mean & unkind. We choose optimism and look forward to positive relationships.

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9. Community

We are on your team and we're here for the ups and downs. No matter our paths, we're invested in your long-term success.